Beyond usual and ordinary
Engage, empower, activate people to enable positive transformation
Meet the Team
TeamWork GPS Team Readiness Checklist
There are two constants in business. Change is one; another is that teams need certain conditions in order to engage one another and move quickly and effectively to achieve shared goals.
Like the GPS in a car or phone, the TeamWork GPS provides leaders and teams with information about where you are so you can get where you want to go. The TeamWork GPS allows leaders and teams to quickly assess the starting conditions for a next project, quarter, or year.
using the TeamWork GPS
TeamWork GPS requires approximately 15 minutes of a respondent’s time to complete. You may choose to survey one team, e.g. Leadership Team, or two teams, e.g. Extended Leadership Team (Leadership Team plus direct reports).
using the TeamWork GPS
TeamWork GPS requires approximately 15 minutes of a respondent’s time to complete. You may choose to survey one team, e.g. Leadership Team, or two teams, e.g. Extended Leadership Team (Leadership Team plus direct reports).
Features of the TeamWork GPS Survey include:
Quick, Concise, Easy to use and interpret
18 items correlating to tested and proven conditions for team success
Online administration and data collection
Raters may include Team Leader and members of 1 or 2 teams to determine alignment between levels
Detailed report, including Survey Overview, Explanation of Scoring Rules, All Raters Analysis, Team Breakdown Analysis, By Item Graphical Rating, Question Ranking, Comments
Debrief Session with a Giuliano Associates Coach
Next Step Recommendations
Features of the TeamWork GPS Survey include:
Quick, Concise, Easy to use and interpret
18 items correlating to tested and proven conditions for team success
Online administration and data collection
Raters may include Team Leader and members of 1 or 2 teams to determine alignment between levels
Detailed report, including Survey Overview, Explanation of Scoring Rules, All Raters Analysis, Team Breakdown Analysis, By Item Graphical Rating, Question Ranking, Comments
Debrief Session with a Giuliano Associates Coach
Next Step Recommendations
“Greg and his team were vital to our building a tightly focused leadership team, as we dramatically changed our business model. Innovative and illustrative team exercises moved us from talking about “team” to becoming one. We all sincerely appreciate and value their contributions to the new QuickLogic Team.”